1. Fotor.com--Free!
Please tell me if you've found a better (free!) web-based collage creator, because I haven't. This isn't the first one I've used, but it is by far the best. Fotor.com2. PBS App--Free!
3. Createfan.com--Free!
Love family history? Love graphic displays? Combine the two by using your Family Search login to sign on to https://createfan.com/ and instantly create a beautiful eight generation fan. The only sad part is if you have ancestors whose information is lacking or under question, it is left off of the fan entirely (aka: my German side on the right). But if anything, this should just be motivation to get on the ball and get more family history work done. Just (1) Login and (2) Create. But once you do, you won't be able to stop yourself from (3) Sharing with your parents and siblings.----------Products----------
4. THE BEST WAFFLE MAKER! Presto Flip Side Waffle Maker -- $30
Looove this waffle maker. It takes a little experimenting to get the timing just right for your particular altitude/batter, but once you figure it out, the waffles that come off of this thing are pure perfection. It has high reviews on Amazon so I am definitely not the only person loving it. The best part is that because it flips, the waffles cook evenly, but because of the way it flips on its hinge, it stores oh-so-nicely, like so:That's right, completely vertical. So basically it takes up a few inches on your pots and pans shelf, which rocks. If you've been thinking your waffle maker is lacking, I'd highly recommend saving up your pennies for one of these babies. Buy it HERE.
5. Southwest
My advice to make things even better:
(1) Sit in the back--way in the back. It's part of the Flying-With-Kids code. Plus, that's where the flight attendants hang out and there's a good chance they'll spoil you back there.
(2) Maybe everyone knows this, but I didn't at first: come beverage service time, the flight attendants can give you and your little one's water/juice/soda with a top and straw to avoid spillage. Before I learned this little gem, I used to ask for one water with no ice, so I could gulp the whole glass down instantly before Little Man could get his paws on it.
(3) If a flight's looking empty, ask about bringing your infant seat. An angelic Southwest employee offered to let me do this once and it resulted in the most heavenly flight ever where my little one slept in his car seat for the entire flight while I, hands-free, chillaxed like nobody's business.
(4) Make sure you sign up for Rapid Rewards. I've earned several free flights in my day.
6. Nature's Miracle--Cost depends on type/size
Have kids that vomit/urinate? Get this stuff! I won't go into detail because vomit and urine are, well, gross. But basically this is an enzymatic cleaner marketed for animals (I bought mine at PetCo) that is golden for when kids throw up on carseats, carpets, etc. Mine was first used for a car seat cover. I sprayed, let it do its enzyme thing for a bit, threw the cover in the washer and the cover came out smelling totally fresh and clean (I won't describe what it smelled like beforehand, but fear not, that smell has been burned into my olfactory memory for life). I've since used it on clothes, carpets, etc. and am always pleased with the results.
7. Disposable Nitrile Cleaning Gloves-- ≈$10 for a pack of 100
When I got married and finally started cleaning (sorry college roommates), I tried getting a couple pairs of old school big rubber gloves, one pair for the bathroom, one for the kitchen. These had a myriad of problem, namely the fact that I am 6 feet tall and have hands to match, meaning my hands are less than petite and good ole' Rubbermaid gloves never seemed to fit. Also, they obviously got used (and consequently germy), which means after I'm done cleaning...gross. So what do the professionals do? Get disposable cleaning gloves, of course. Have you ever seen a professional clean a bathroom without them? The thought occurred to me at some point when we were working on our house and I was slipping on a pair to paint, caulk, drywall, etc. and I realized, why am I still using huge rubber gloves or worse, no gloves, like a sucker? So this way I can (1) slip on a pair of gloves (easier to clean with than big, thick gloves anyway), (2) clean the bathrooms, then (3) dispose of them and their germs rather than throw them under the sink covered in who knows what (I promise I'm not a germophone, but seriously--kitchens and bathrooms are breeding grounds for germs).I'm all for saving the environment, but considering I live in a city where reusable grocery bags are required (hope you're washing your bags, people--every time a city forces its citizens to switch to reusable bags, bacteria related ER admissions go up 1/4th. Norovirus, anyone?)...so anyway...when it comes to germs/health, I have to draw the line somewhere.
----------Fun Stuff----------
8. Jamba Insider--Free!
Interested? Sign up here: http://www.jambajuice.com/insider
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