Monday, January 20, 2014

Free (and Easy) Budget Bootcamp - Join Us!

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A lot of people have been asking for help with their budgets, so during 2014, we're determined to help you all become pros at the foundation of personal finance: BUDGETING! We decided to make a cool (and free!) once-a-month budgeting boot camp.
Basically, we're offering to be your FREE budget consultants. So if you've been wanting to get in the habit of budgeting, this is a great opportunity! Take advantage of our overzealousness. Both of our families have recently expanded, so who knows when we'll ever have the energy for an opportunity like this again. :)

How to join?

If you already subscribe to our blog through e-mail, Feedly, etc., don't do a thing. You'll already get the Budget Boot Camp as part of our blog. Otherwise...

Send us your e-mail (it will only be used for the once-a-month MHM Budget Boot Camp):

Sign me up for Budget Boot Camp!

What do we want in return?

Nothing, but we wouldn't complain if you liked us on Facebook, pinned this on Pinterest, or shared this opportunity with your friends/family who might be interested. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Here's my e-mail:
    But I do follow you on Feedly, so I don't know if I needed to do that :)


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